Operational Support
Operational Support Services is a maintenance service that supports your Information and Communication Technology equipment anywhere and everywhere. The service combines L A’s service desk, advanced technical support and sparing.
Business Processes – What processes are in place to run the actual business? Are there checklists for each phase of operations? How am I trained in these processes? What technology exists to automate these processes? Are all daily business operations accounted for via processes or are there areas where I am on my own?
Staff– Are there guides for hiring and training staff? Are there profiles of the ideal traits of each job function? What support do I receive in training and managing staff? Are there detailed job descriptions? Are there key performance indicators and processes to manage to those indicators? What guidance do I receive on when and how to staff? Does the staffing model support the business model?
Business Coaching – Do I have a dedicated Business Coach assigned to me? What is her function? What is her background? How does he support me? Is the support coach focused on helping me grow my business AND increasing my profitability (This is important to uncover. Remember that the franchisor receives royalties based on revenue, but profitability is your lifeline. Make sure they are incented to drive both)?

Online Resources – Are there easy to access guides, checklists, and other resources online to help me run my business? What areas are covered? How often are these resources updated?
Help Desk Support – We’re not just talking IT support here. Is there a help line or live chat available to me get quick answers to business operations questions?